MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION OR TERM AND CONDITIONS:- - The company provides best quality products & to increase sale we will provide the best offers.
- As per sale target slab or according to stock slab , your register shop and register godown. & you will get products only as per your distributor ship criteria, if your sale or demand increase then you have to renew distributorship.
- 100% advance payment as per deal condition without mentioning Cheque date accepted for security deposit. Distributor who purchases distributor ship from company, they receive 100% stock in return.
- For company promotion :- Company provide (hoarding board & do shop decoration) etc, and company will not charge any amount from distributor , and for sale increase our marketing manager will help you. This offer applicable Only after few date completed distributorship.
- After completing your order from company distributor have to pay whole amount via online payment or by paying Cheque, or through RTGS etc.
- When sale target completed, then only payment mode transactions rules will be changed.
- GST Tax is always included in the MRP list, while making the bill, this rate is being given with your tax.
- Only for any big quantity order please Contact Company Marketing Manager Mr Paramjeet Singh 9779449712 , otherwise as per company rates or rule.
- The Company paid packing charge and local transport charges, extra packing charge and Outside Transport Charges paid by party
- If distributor want to stop working with company then he/she should inform in written 1 month before , if any kind of change in company rule for distributor, then it should be legally announce on paper, or by mail.
- Any product (rate, packing) changes according to the company rules & regulations , distributors should be inform before 15-30 days. Information can be send by mail.
- distributors can guide us problem regarding MRP related or any other problems or give Feedback to Company will answer within 7- 10 working days. If any problem regarding the amount, or for fake promises to customer, or over charge of price then he/she is liable, company is not responsible.
- If customers does not satisfied with the distributor, then customer can buy product from any other distributor then distributor should has no issue and he don't blame the compay.
- If un-register dealer want to product from the company, then they have to pay advance payment to the hardik kitchen solution with the total amount of the bill and the advance payment will be given 30% of the order, the order will be sent only after receiving the balance payment.
- You can take new product information from our website. Company will give you a special software and keyword By which you can check company available stock, you can also book your order online. In future there will be no inconvenience.
- After completing your profile sheet , then company will sent you product catalogue with the MRP and offer list and the company's other information will be mailed to you & after that company marketing manager Mr Paramjeet singh visit to your place.
- All the item products rate various from 2 % to 5% approx incase raw material rate increase
- Distributorship type - (1) Regional Distributor ship (2) super distributor ship(3)flying distributor ship
- If you cancel the order for after three days, then you have to pay 2% service charge.
- As per company rules - company required your original documents such as: - your GST authorized original copy & 3 month bank statement of your company current account.